CalSavers Retirement Savings Program Workshop For Employers
Event Details
State law now requires all businesses with five or more employees to participate in CalSavers if they do not offer a qualified retirement savings plan from the private market. Eligible employers must register for CalSavers by their state required deadline, which vary by employer size. The deadline for employers with 5 or more employees is June 30, 2022. The registration deadlines for employers with more than 50 employees have passed. Those who have not yet registered should do so as soon as possible to avoid penalties. Eligible employers don’t need to wait and can register any time before their deadline. For more information on how to get started, visit
Employers: During your session, we’ll cover how the program works, when and how to join CalSavers, and how to facilitate the program. More info at:
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Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact Sacramento Valley SBDC at or (916) 655-2100.