About Me:
Judy has 20 years of experience working as a bi-lateral, regional and multi-lateral
trade consultant and international trade negotiator. She mentored entrepreneurs in
micro-enterprise development programs in both developed and developing countries
in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, Malawi, India, Japan, Italy, UK,
Switzerland and USA. These programs include small business projects funded by
the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development, International Trade
Organization, United Nations Industrial and Development Organization and the
World Trade Organization.
Since 2007, Judy has been responsible for the micro-enterprise and micro-loan
program at a leading non-profit serving the greater Sacramento area assisting
individuals develop self-sustaining micro-enterprises. She’s excited and looks forward to serving as an advisor at
the Sacramento Valley SBDC.
Judy has a Business Administration degree in Management and a master’s degree
in Business Administration and International Relations.
Expertise: Business Management International Trade